Anne Marie 1925
JoinedTopics Started by Anne Marie 1925
Will the WBTS Order JWs to Kill??
by Anne Marie 1925 in[if !mso]> <mce:style><!
sironare: will the wbts order jw's to kill??
sironare: will the wbts order jw's to kill??
Can the Watchtower Prove Their Core "Truths" to Be "True"???
by Anne Marie 1925 in[if gte mso 9]><xml> <w:worddocument> <w:view>normal</w:view> <w:zoom>0</w:zoom> <w:compatibility> <w:breakwrappedtables /> <w:snaptogridincell /> <w:wraptextwithpunct /> <w:useasianbreakrules /> </w:compatibility> <w:browserlevel>microsoftinternetexplorer4</w:browserlevel> </w:worddocument> </xml><![endif].
romans 8: 38-39 nwt.
so can the watchtower prove any of their unorthodox core teachings to be true according to the word of god?
After Armageddon Diary (Many JWs just haven't "thought it through"!!)
by Anne Marie 1925 ini guess were still in a state of shock.
it seems that there are a lot of us that feel that we had a lot more freedom before armageddon.
world society is not my idea of a paradise at all, and i really think i would rather be dead then to live like this.
Has anyone heard of "Secret Disfellowshipping" by Jehovah's Witnesses? Menlo Park Ca. Congregation. Update.
by Balaamsass inno doubt everyone has been following the juan viejo postings regarding the watchtower kingdom hall "grab" on jwn for the last couple of years.
called the mrs and me to say "wow- you have to google this" we did...came here to jwn ...became members..and the rest is history.. in the last nine months i have been calling and emailing contacts in the silicon valley for verification on the societies theft and forced sale of the menlo park kingdom hall (near the new facebook heaquarters) because the story seemed...a little far fetched.
every reliable contact i made has confirmed what juan reported.
by Mary inmy jw sister was over tonight for supper and after a couple of glasses of vino she told me that "today's watchtower study was bullshit" and that one of the 'elite elders' made a comment that bothered her a great deal.. he was apparently at bethel not too long ago and "one of the big-wigs" who was giving a talk said "don't be afraid of dying for the truth brothers" and this jackass was stupid enough to repeat this at the meeting.
it bothered my sister a great deal and i said to her: "soooo are they going to start passing out the kood-aid or what?
" she knew exactly what i was talking about and she said "ya, i wondered the same thing.
The Danger of Holding Your Tongue and Having Your Head Explode w/JWs
by metatron incould we have 'jehovah's witness teaching' listed as a cause of mental impairment in medical handbooks?
so it could more easily diagnosed?.
i got stuck with some witness ladies chatting about how increased gasoline prices could lead to armageddon.
SECRET LETTER of Watchtower Media Changes!
by TheSnarkyApologist inhere's a letter that has circulated among many ex-watchtowerites!.
just thought you'd want to know!.
What's in it for the Governing Body? How about this?
by Mickey mouse inon another forum, someone recently started a thread asking what sort of lifestyle the watchtower elite enjoy.
it prompted me to do a little digging.
when the leaflet 'dress and grooming for visitors touring bethel' was published a few years ago, i thought the room below looked familiar.
Africa Investment Summit 2012 and Watchtower
by TJ Curioso inover the next 19 days, 20 and 21 march 2012, at one whitehall place (london), a meeting will take place for large fund investors.
this meeting will target investment on the african continent in real estate, alternative energy, infrastructure, "hedge funds",commodities, venture capital, foreign exchange market, etc .... africa investment summit 2012, is the name of the conference..
guess who will be represented there?